Growth Capital

Hofbräuhaus Cleveland

If you’ve driven through Cleveland’s theater district, you’ve probably noticed Hofbräuhaus Cleveland. It’s impossible to miss — a 24,000-square-foot slice of Bavaria between Playhouse Square and the Greyhound station on Chester Avenue sort of stands out.

Hofbrauhaus exterior

The project, on land owned by Playhouse Square’s real estate arm, marks the first serious effort to drive development north — toward a challenging urban pocket that includes the city’s Greyhound bus station and surface parking lots. Playhouse Square leaders see the Hofbräuhaus Cleveland as another entertainment venue that brings more young people to the neighborhood.

The new building was modeled after the world-famous, 500-year-old original beer hall in Munich, Germany. The $8.4 million facility, financed by Peoples Bank and Growth Capital, includes Cleveland’s Hermit Club building, which was built almost 100 years ago. Hofbräuhaus Cleveland brought new life to the building while still maintaining the architectural integrity of the exquisite half timber-style medieval design. Outside, the beer garden offers a more tranquil atmosphere.

Hofbräuhaus Cleveland is known for serving house-brewed, Bavarian Purity Lawabiding beer; its friendly lederhosen- and dirndl-wearing staff (think traditional Oktoberfest garb); time-honored Bavarian cuisine.

Their beer is brewed using original recipes handed down by the Duke of Bavaria, over 400 years ago. The Brew Master oversees the brewing of their year round beer varieties, plus their seasonal specialties like Oktoberfest, Maibock, Pilsner and Hefe Weizen Dunkel.

Most of the food, desserts and beer ingredients are purchase from local Ohio companies.

Hofbräuhaus Cleveland has been able to realize sustained growth. Hofbräuhaus Cleveland’s workforce has grown from no employees to more than 100 employees. Hofbräuhaus Cleveland revenues will surpass $5 million in 2017.

Hofbräuhaus Cleveland has provided an important economic impact to our community and used lender partnerships that encourage and support comprehensive approaches to economic development. Now that’s certainly Creating Real Value.