Growth Capital

Ohio small business given Tibbetts Award at White House ceremony

Frontier Technology of Beavercreek, Ohio was among the 23 small businesses given this year's Tibbetts Awards.

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Frontier Technology of Beavercreek, Ohio was among the 23 small businesses given this year’s Tibbetts Awards, an honor conferred upon entrepreneurs whose companies use the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs to drive innovation, promote research and development and create new jobs for Americans.

The awards ceremony took place at the White House on Monday, June 15, where the Small Business Administration (SBA) handed out the 2015 Tibbetts Awards to Frontier Technology, as well as another 22 small businesses, six individuals and three supporting organizations. The accolades, named after the late Roland Tibbetts, recognize business that participate in the SBIR and STTR programs and invest in federal research and development to push the envelope for economic technological breakthroughs.

“These innovators are moving ideas from the lab to the marketplace, adding jobs to the economy and advancing our technological potential — helping our country compete globally,” said Maria Contreras-Sweet, SBA Administrator, in an official statement. “SBA is proud to lead the SBIR/STTR program — America’s Seed Fund, as I like to call it — to ensure small businesses engage in research and development to continue to propel our nation’s high-tech innovation forward, from nanotechnology to aerospace to therapies for life-threatening illnesses.”

Here at Growth Capital Corp., we’d like to extend our congratulations to the forward-thinking minds at Frontier Technology for all of their — now award-winning — contributions to both their local and national economy.

Success stories like Frontier’s are heartening reminders of just how far anyone in America can go if they’re given the right tools to bring their dreams to life. If you’re a local Ohio entrepreneur looking to expand your business and give back to the community, contact Growth Capital today to find the best long-term, fixed-rate capital finance needed to get your ambitions off the ground.