Growth Capital

Ohio small businesses still need to change with the times

With the right capital resources, it may be possible to modernize your business.

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Even businesses with relatively modest goals may need an update.

Part of securing capital for business growth is adapting to new factors. In Ohio, this could mean changing how you interact with possible consumers and where you focus your funds and energies.

An Associated Press story gives us one example of the need for changing strategies to stay competitive. The source quoted Bryan Clayton of GreenPal, who said that his business required a new revamp just a year after launching.

This was mainly because the company’s website was no longer fit for the mobile experience possible customers were demanding. With so many interested consumers trying to access the official site through their phones, Clayton said a change was clearly necessary.

“We knew we had to completely gut the entire experience and build it from a mobile-first perspective,” he said. “You don’t walk into the other room and sit down at your computer. You just do it on your smartphone,” he added, describing the new normal when it comes to web browsing.

“According to Root Metrics, Columbus, Ohio, is a premium location for cell phone coverage.”

Ohio-based businesses could have special concern for this. According to Root Metrics, Columbus, Ohio, is a premium location for cell phone coverage.

The city placed at the top of a recent list that ranked all of the state’s cities for coverage. Judging by the company’s general MetroArea Root Score report, it measures high marks for major mobile-carrier coverage and also exhibited perfect cell phone performance and network reliability.

A chance for growth
Though this is just one example of possible growth, it does tie into the need for businesses to be aware of changes they have to make. As they gain more of an industry presence, small companies may need capital finance even more to welcome bigger numbers.

There’s clear evidence of business opportunities in the Buckeye State. In a recent press release, Idea Buyer LLC pointed out Ohio’s presence on the latest Inc. 5000 list. This list compiles the fastest-growing small businesses, and according to the source, nine of the top 500 are Ohio-based. The full list contains several more, including construction, storage and logistics businesses.

Placing on this list can be a great accomplishment, but for some businesses, it could also mean time to modernize and invest in the future. It doesn’t have to be just the technology itself, either, that signals when it is time for a new change.

When it’s time to modernize
Small business consultants may be necessary when trying to figure out a growth strategy. Growth Capital can provide access to local loan programs that favor small businesses. The Ohio 166 Regional Loan Program, for example, can be a valuable resource for qualifying businesses with construction or land acquisition needs.

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