Growth Capital

Small Business Loan Programs

Finding opportunities to save you time, save you money, and save you hassle

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Making Capital Accessible

Are you an entrepreneur looking to grow your own business? Growth Capital Corp. is an SBA-certified, not-for-profit loan provider that can help make your American dream a reality. Browse our selection of small business loans below to find the one that best meets your needs.

New Jobs

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Real Estate

($MILLION)Real Estate Development


($MILLION)Manufacturing Loans


($44.9MM)Ohio Small Businesses

Mission Spotlight

Merritt Woodwork

Merritt Woodwork used three SBA 504 loans to refinance their two facilities in Mentor and equipment to free up working capital for the company’s expansion needs. As a result of this loan program and their strategic position in the market, The Merritt Family of Companies grew significantly.

Loan Program Options

Our Mission Partners

Below is a map that you can use to find our mission partners.