Growth Capital

Startup Mistakes to Avoid

Growth Capital is more than just a resource for small business loans. We believe in continued learning, and education through the power of our community.

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What to expect from the new administration’s SBA

Small businesses have a new SBA head coming in with the new administration. What can

Is Columbus a secret business powerhouse?

Ohio has something of a reputation as a low-key center for business.

Growth Capital Business Case Study: Auto Bolt Inc. finds growth through SBA

Growth Capital helped one company become the 2016 Economic Development winner.

Certification can help women business owners gain more success

Small-business government contracting remains a major source of potential capital for owners.

Small business index shows increases for November 2016

A recently reported change in last November's small business index showed some possible improvements for

Good loan choices leave owners with other capital

Investing wisely will leave business owners with more flexible capital.

Technology and the need for fair loans

New survey shows dominant fields for women business owners

According to one survey, there are certain recurring threads through the top types of businesses

Shared resources may help women entrepreneurs connect

A successful network of women entrepreneurs could share effective loan solutions.