Growth Capital

business security

Growth Capital is more than just a resource for small business loans. We believe in continued learning, and education through the power of our community.

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The SBA works with major companies for small business support

A coalition of several major businesses, along with the SBA, are banding together to help

Benefiting from the strong business community of Ohio

Ohio's financing advantages can mean good news for small-business owners.

SBA names Sally Hughes Ohio’s Small Business Person of the Year

The Small Business Administration has acknowledged standout small business owners across the country.

February saw another jump in Ohio business filings

Ohio holds benefits for tech startups

Which SBA loans are best for ‘gazelles’?

A "gazelle" could refer to a small business on a strong track for success.

What owners need to know about the Ohio Regional 166 Direct Loan Program

The Ohio Regional 166 Direct Loan Program offers particular benefits for borrowers.

New Ohio business filings increase in January 2016

Ohio business filings are higher this year compared to last January.

4 things to remember about the SBA 504 loan

Eligible businesses may see several benefits from an SBA loan.