One of the challenges of small business ownership is market competition—this is no secret. Many
READ MORE >Small Business Programs from the Department of Defense
The Department of Defense’s (DoD) Office of Small Business Programs focuses many of their efforts on
READ MORE >Inclusive Economic Development and the Role of CDCs
When it comes to economic development, we would be lying if we said that it was fair and equitable
READ MORE >Securing Non-Profit Funding Options to Promote Growth
Spring is a time of renewal and growth, and we’re not just talking about our lawns and gardens! Now
READ MORE >Finding & Working with the Certified Development Company That’s Right for Your Business
Small businesses seeking certain types of funding—like 504 loans from the U.S. Small Business
READ MORE >3 Mistakes to Avoid When Starting Your Small Business
We know how exciting starting a small business is—seeing your passion project become a reality is an
READ MORE >Economic Survival—Funding Small Business Startups
This month we’re here to talk to you about the necessary—but often stressful—part of new business
READ MORE >New Business Venture Basics—Where Do I Start?
Welcome to 2023! We’re so glad you’re joining us in the New Year, and we’re jumping right in with
READ MORE >Closing or Selling Your Business— Why, When, & How
Closing or Selling Your Business—Why, When, & How After exploring the business lifecycle and